How we cite our quotes: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #4
"Out, mundane," said Jace, pointing to the door. (1.2.126)
In a way, these comments of Jace's could be seen as racist in the context of this universe. He's a jerk to Simon because Simon isn't of some special magical race.
Quote #5
"Valentine hates Downworlders more than he hates demons. If he defeats us, he'll go after you next." (2.8.330)
All of the different Downworlder races seem concerned only with self-preservation. Jace tries to convince them that a war against one race is a war against them all, and the only way to stop Valentine is to work together.
Quote #6
"Don't ever compare yourself to me! […] I'm still human, still alive — you're a dead thing that feeds on blood." (2.12.44)
Maia's behavior is extra despicable here. As a bi-racial werewolf, she of all people should understand how hurtful prejudice is, and she shouldn't be contributing to it.