Clarissa Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Letter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I knew that the whole stupid family were in a combination to do my business for me (97.4)

Lovelace is a master manipulator. It's clear he's messing with Clarissa's mind, but do you think he's trying to hoodwink the rest of the Harlowe fam? Consider this: ruining Clarissa casts a shadow on the whole family, and he does have beef with her bro … 

Quote #2

How different, how inexpressibly different, the gay wretch; visibly triumphing (as I could not but construe his almost rapturous joy) in the success of his arts! (98.4)

This may be the first time Clarissa gets wise to Lovelace's evil plan. Even so, she keeps trusting the guy for a while. Either she's really naïve, or he's really good at manipulating her. 

Quote #3

But when it came to my turn, I pleaded, I argued, I answered her, as well as I could—And when humility would not do, I raised my voice and suffered my eye to sparkle with anger […] (103.5)

A lot of what Lovelace does is straight-up manipulation, but he's also got a violent streak. Even scarier: he's analyzing his own creepy behavior. That's the mark of a true sociopath.