Clarissa Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Clarissa.

Lust Quotes

I hope I shall be honest, I once more say: but as we frail mortals are not our masters at times, I must endeavour to keep the dear creature unapprehensive […] (104.7)

Manipulation Quotes

I knew that the whole stupid family were in a combination to do my business for me (97.4)

Guilt and Blame Quotes

And I charge you, on my blessing, that all this my truly maternal tenderness be not thrown away on you. (16.28)

Pride Quotes

My mama, and all of us, like the rest of the world, talk of nobody but you on this occasion, and of the consequences which may follow from the resentments of a man of Mr. Lovelace's spirit; who, as...

Principles Quotes

The intention is, I tell you plainly, to mortify you into a sense of your duty (22.23)

Gender Quotes

But how know I that I have not made my own difficulties?—Is she not a woman?—What redress lies for a perpetrated evil?—Must she not live? (256.25)

Revenge Quotes

There are people who love not your brother, because of his natural imperiousness and fierce and uncontrollable temper […] (1.6)

Society and Class Quotes

[…]both Mrs. How and Miss, as matters stood, would much rather have excused his visits; but they had more than once apologized that, having not the same reason my papa had to forbid him their hou...

Religion Quotes

My present situation is such that I never more wanted the benefit of public prayers (22.22)

Freedom and Confinement Quotes

Obstinate, perverse, undutiful Clarissa Harlowe! With a rejecting hand and angry aspect; then take your own way, and go up!—But stir not down again, I charge you, without leave, or till your papa...