Code Name Verity Manipulation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Date.Paragraph) or (Part.Section.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He pored over the pages again and produced Maddie's clothing ration coupons. Her stomach turned over. She never found out how he got them.

He handed them to her. "Explain to your colleague you were called in here today so we could return these and give you a lecture about taking greater care with your personal papers."

"Well, I jolly well will be more careful with them after this," she told him fiercely. (1.21.XI.43.40-42)

Unsolved mysteries we want answers to: how did he get Maddie's ration coupons? Creeping around in her stuff? We get that there's a war on, but that's taking things too far, dude.

Quote #5

It is ridiculous that you have not already guessed the nature of my Intelligence work, Amadeus von Linden. Like you, I am a wireless operator.

Like you, I am bloody good at it.

Our methods differ. (1.21.XI.43.141-143)

Bombshell, Shmoopsters. (Figuratively, not literally, so no need to take cover. Sorry… too soon?) Julie is also an interrogator. That "wireless operator" business is a cover and then a metaphor. We will give the girl this: her use of literary devices is superb.

Quote #6

At any rate I didn't miss a beat—this is how I operate. This is what I am so good at. Give me a hint, just one hint, and I will fake it. It's the thin end of the wedge for you, me laddie. (1.24.XI.43.11)

Julie's a good actor who can think on her feet, and she's pretty darn proud of it. Even after being tortured, she's still pretty vain about her mad skills. We say, you go, girl.