Movie or TV Productions

A TV production of The Comedy of Errors, directed by Richard Monette.

A spin-off of the play called Big Business and featuring female twins

A TV version of The Comedy of Errors.

A BBC production of The Comedy of Errors.

A musical version called The Boys from Syracuse.

An Indian Bollywood version of The Comedy of Errors called Angoor was released in 1982. This version is without subtitles.

Tim Frances as Antipholus of Ephesus in The Comedy of Errors, directed by Han Duijvendak.

The Internet Shakespeare Editions’ collection of facsimiles and other interesting bits and bobs of actual pages of Shakespeare’s work printed in the Folios. Always a delight to look at.

Charles and Mary Lamb’s nineteenth century retelling of The Comedy of Errors meant for younger readers, and provided in full by Google Books.

The Comedy of Errors, available as a single page view, from OpenSource Shakespeare. While you should be wary of the line numbers on the text (which do not correspond to printed editions), the most fabulous feature of this page is the breakout of dialogue from individual players, allowing you to view their speech and cue lines in isolation. Great for printing scripts for performance, or just singling out characters for analysis.

An absolutely fabulous collection of links to all sorts of things relating to The Comedy of Errors – the sources, the plays in performance, paintings, interpretations, reviews, and lesson plans – as put together by the English Department of the University of Basel, Switzerland.

The Folger Shakespeare Library’s site on The Comedy of Errors, complemented by a little background on literary sources.

A completely random news snippet about separated twins who discover each other later in life.

This advanced-level essay, written by Robert Viking O’Brien, is chock full of interesting and complicated ideas. O’Brien draws from theorists and Shakespeare’s tests to forward the claim that S. Antipholus is actually degenerating into madness, or coming close to it, which provides tension and anxiety in the play to move the audience along. O’Brien also grounds the play in its Elizabethan context, revealing how Elizabethan audiences might have interpreted the supernatural and natural causes of madness.

An academic essay by Brian Giggons comparing and contrasting The Comedy of Errors with The Winter’s Tale.

This student’s academic essay provides some interesting assertions about jealousy in The Comedy of Errors, and an interpretation of the play’s mythological allusions.

A bit of contextual information on the original public performance of The Comedy of Errors.

Shout outs to other texts in The Comedy of Errors are provided by some folks at Dartmouth College.