Common Sense Patriotism Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

No nation ought to be without a debt. A national debt is a national bond. (4.6)

Many people are afraid of going to war with the British because it would cost America a lot of money. But according to Paine, nothing brings a country together better than a nice, big debt. Uhhhh… okay. Many people wouldn't argue that today, but oh well. It's not the strongest of Paine's arguments, but you have to admire his gung-ho approach.

Quote #8

Commerce diminishes the spirit, both of patriotism and military defence. (4.18)

Many Americans today would suggest that business and commerce are two of the most patriotic things that exist in America. But Thomas Paine is very clear in saying that business is horrible for patriotism because it makes people more interested in personal gain than in their country and community.

Quote #9

It is now the interest of America to provide for herself. (A.4)

The time for American patriots to rise up will not be some distant future date. It's right now, and Paine wants his readers to know it, dagnabbit.