Common Sense Warfare Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

But the most powerful of all arguments, is, that nothing but independence, i.e. a continental form of government, can keep the peace of the continent and preserve it inviolate from civil wars. (3.38)

Thomas Paine is certain that the only way to prevent civil war in America is to give the country its independence. He's certain of this because America has the chance to become a true democracy run by elected officials instead of kings, which can keep the citizens happy and thus prevent civil war.

Quote #8

The republics of Europe are all (and we may say always) in peace. Holland and Switzerland are without wars, foreign or domestic. (3.41)

As Paine points out, countries with democratically elected leaders tend not to have civil wars the way that countries with kings do. That's obviously because the people living in king-ruled countries get frustrated with having a tyrant who they never elected in the first place… and also because kings are bullies who constantly start fights with other countries.

Quote #9

No country on the globe is so happily situated, or so internally capable of raising a fleet as America. (4.10)

Many Americans wouldn't want to go to war with Britain because they'd be afraid America didn't have the power to raise a proper army or navy. Paine wants to put this doubt to rest by showing all his readers exactly why America has this ability: coastline and resources, baby.