Computing Derivatives True or False

1. Let f(x) = e. Then -> f ' (x) = 0
2. What is the derivative of f(x) = 5x + 6?

-> f ' (x) = 5

3. Which of the following is not a power function? ->

4. For which function f(x) is f ' (x) = -3x-4? -> f(x) = x-3
5. What is the derivative of f(x) = ex?

-> f ' (x) = ex(ln x)

6. The slope of the function f(x) = ex is

-> always either 0 or positive.

7. Let f(x) = 6x. Then

-> f ' (x) = 6x(ln 6)

8. Which function f(x) has the derivative f ' (x) = x-1?

-> f(x) = x-2

9. Let f(x) = cos(x). Then

-> f ' (x) = cos(x)

10. Which function's derivative is f ' (x) = sin(x)?

-> f(x) = -cos(x)
