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Corduroy Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

This book is for little kiddos, and if you're reading this you're most likely a parent or teacher of some of those kiddos. So we're going to keep the questions short and sweet. Think of these as potential conversation starters for you and your young reader to chat about.

  1. Do you think Corduroy was happy living in the store? How can you tell?
  2. How do you think Corduroy felt when Lisa's mom points out his missing button? Do you think other people's feelings are hurt when someone judges their clothes or the way they look?
  3. If you got to spend the night in a big department store like this, what are some of the things you would do? 
  4. Do you think Lisa will take good care of Corduroy when he goes home to live with her? How can you tell? 
  5. Do you have any toys or stuffed animals that you love as much as Lisa loves Corduroy? What do you do to take good care of them?