Crank Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Poem Title, Stanza)

Quote #7

You come home, and everyone talks at once and everyone asks questions, but no one waits for the answers.

Instead they talk about themselves, what they've been up to, what they're going to do next, as if you're a photo on the wall. (Homecomings Are Strange.1-2)

Just to recap, in this scene Kristina gets off the plane after having been in New Mexico for three weeks, only to have her family basically ignore her. The resentment in this passage is totally obvious.

Quote #8

I wanted to talk. Needed to. But how could I possibly talk to her? She was my mom. I know I'm your mom and not always easy to talk to. But I'm here for you […] Big girls don't cry, especially in front of their mommies. But a cloudburst threatened. (Mom Knocked on My Door.4-6)

When you're seventeen, there's nothing easy about talking to Mom about your feelings, especially when Mom is as distant as Kristina's is. It is, however, easy to understand the conflict Kristina feels around wanting to tell her primary caregiver what's going on while not entirely trusting her with the information.

Quote #9

I started for my inner sanctum. Paused. "I mean, look at you and me. On the surface, we both seem so normal!"

Her face contorted, emphasizing every wrinkle. "Take a peek inside our family album. Like what's in there?" (Leveled.5-6)

Oh, burn… On some level, Kristina's mom has to know that the family has major problems that they like to bury rather than deal with. Clearly, Kristina hits a nerve with this remark.