Crank Sex Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Poem Title, Stanza)

Quote #7

Girls get screwed. Not that kind of screwed, what I mean is, how they're always on the short end of things.

The way things work, how guys feel great, but make girls feel cheap for doing exactly what they beg for.

The way they get to play you, all the while claiming they love you and making you believe it's true. (Girls Get Screwed.1-3)

This observation may not always be true, but it's definitely true for Kristina's relationships throughout the book. Adam and Brendan, as well as Chase to a certain extent, definitely misrepresent their actual feelings for Kristina in order to meet their own sexual needs.

Quote #8

I swear, every guy you kiss is so different. Each has a unique essence, each a significant style. Brendan was eau de lavender, vanilla, Heineken, Crest, and top-notch speed. (We Bumped Up the Road.7-10)

Remember that this statement is coming from a girl who had never kissed a guy just a couple months earlier. She's definitely kicked things up a notch. Or several notches, maybe.

Quote #9

I laid there, sobbing, as he worked and sweated over me. Stoked by the monster, it took him a long time to finish.

Give me a line, I'll give you an encore.

He pulled away, sticky and bloody. Throbbing inside and out, I didn't move, didn't dare look him in the eye. (It Started with a Kiss.9-10)

The scene where Brendan rapes Kristina is one of the most shocking and graphic moments in the book. It's proof that while Chase makes it possible for her to know what sex feels like when both parties want it, Brendan violates and damages her to a degree she'll probably never get over. Especially since he gets her pregnant.