Crash Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Crash? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who else is involved in the car accident with Graham and Ria?

Kim Lee
Jean Cabot
Q. Who persuades Graham Waters to falsely indict Conklin for shooting another officer?

Rick Cabot
his mom
Q. Anthony and Peter run over a man who is trying to get into what?

A house
A white van
A Mercedes
A telephone booth
Q. Where does Jean Cabot fall?

Off the roof
Into the street
Down her stairs
Out of a tree
Q. What does Hanson do to cover up his murder of Peter?

He puts the gun in Peter's hand.
He blames it on Ryan.
He sets his car on fire.
He pretends to be Ryan Phillippe.