Crash Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Crash? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. What is Ryan's dad's problem?

It hurts when he pees.
His feet have been amputated.
He is paralyzed from the waist down.
He has a brain tumor.
Q. What awful thing happens to Jean Cabot at the end of the movie?

She gets cancer.
She's shot.
She hurts her ankle.
Her child dies.
Q. Why is Anthony complaining about his service at the diner?

The server sat him away from white people.
The server spit in his food.
He didn't get coffee, even though he didn't order any.
The server refused to serve him.
Q. Why isn't Farhad's door fixed?

He yells at the locksmith instead of trying to understand him.
He didn't know it was broken.
It is fixed, but vandals break it down.
The store was out of doors.
Q. What happens to Peter when he attempts to pull out his statue of St. Christopher?

He sprains his wrist.
He drops the figure.
Hanson shoots him to death.
He pats his pocket but can't find it.