Crash Principles Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Crash.

Quote #4

ANTHONY: But you have never seen me steal from a Black person ever in your life.

This line is a bit of ironic foreshadowing, because Anthony will later accidentally compromise his principles when he carjacks Cameron. That leads Cameron to tell Anthony that he should be embarrassed with himself—and that statement causes Anthony to reform. Maybe compromising your principles can be a good thing, if your principles are wrong?

Quote #5

ANTHONY: You have no idea, do you? You have no idea why they put them great big windows on the sides of buses, do you? One reason only. To humiliate the people of color who are reduced to ridin' on 'em.

Anthony's principles are a little…weird. Does anything he say have an element of truth?

Quote #6

CHRISTINE: I can't believe you let him do that, baby. Look, I know what you did was the right thing. Okay? But I was humiliated! For you. I just couldn't stand to see that man take away your dignity.

Why is dignity so important to Christine? Is it worth Cameron risking his life for it? Is it fair of her to criticize Cameron, knowing that if he had spoken up, he might have lost his life, when hers was probably not at stake?