Crash Race Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Crash.

Quote #4

RICK: He's Iraqi? Well, he looks Black. […] His-His name's Saddam? That's real good, Bruce. I'm gonna pin a medal on an Iraqi named Saddam.

Rick makes a racial mistake, which is embarrassing, but he's also aware of how the public views race—especially Iraqis. Is he doing his public a disservice by avoiding these racial stereotypes instead of addressing them directly?

Quote #5

CHRISTINE: You weren't afraid that all your good friends at the studio were gonna read about you in the morning and realize he's actually Black?

Christine is proud of her Black identity, and by the end of the movie, Cameron learns to accept his, even though it takes a messy confrontation with the cops for him to do so. Still, in the end, both characters are saved by white men.

Quote #6

CAMERON: Sooner or later you gotta find out what it is really like to be Black.

CHRISTINE: F*** you, man. Like you know. The closest you ever came to being Black, Cameron, was watching The Cosby Show. 

What do Cameron and Christine mean by learning "what it is really like to be Black"? What does it mean to be Black? Is there a universal Black experience? What does this movie have to say about it?