Crossing the Bar Resources


Alfred Tennyson at Victorian Web

Tennyson was King Victoria with his perfect meter, proper manners, and penchant for rhyme.

For a brief rundown of Tennyson's life and times, check out this short bio and collection of poems.

The Victorian Period, an Overview

The Norton Anthology of English Literature's overview of the period during which Tennyson lived and wrote is a handy way to get a handle on the era that made the man.


Crossing the Choir

Tennyson's poem has become a Christian hymn in some circles.

Tennyson Reads "Crossing the Bar"

Okay, so obviously that's not true. But someone creepily animated his face in this video, so it looks like he's reading the poem.

Tennyson's Real Voice

One of the earliest audio recordings ever made was of Tennyson reading his famous poem "The Charge of the Light Brigade." You might have to strain to make out the words, but it's pretty cool nonetheless.


Sea Reading

This Brit reads the poem with the sounds of the sea in the background.


This recording has the words so you can read along. Just in case you're zoning out.


Old Alfred

He looks about ready to cross the bar, if you know what Shmoop means.

Young Tennyson

Here's a famous drawing of the young Alfred, Lord Tennyson, in his less surly years.

Tennyson's Grave

So it turns out that when some people cross the bar, they wind up with some primo real estate in Westminster Abbey.

Tennyson's Home

And it's not the open ocean. It's on the Isle of Wight.

Tennyson and Fam

Instagrammed for your viewing pleasure.


Selected Poems

Hungry for more? Have at this book.

The Complete Poetical Works

If Tennyson's suddenly your new favorite poet, you can read every poem he ever wrote, right here.