Cultural Studies Basics
Cultural Studies Basics
The Who, What, Where, When, and Why of Cultural Studies
There are two key schools of theorists that stand out as pioneers in what we now know as cultural studies. The first was known as the Frankfurt School, which wasn't actually an official school, but...
Big Players
As you'd expect, all the dudes associated with the Frankfurt and Birmingham schools were considered the cream of the cultural studies crop. At Frankfurt, it was Max Horkheimer, Theodor Adorno, and...
Key Debates
Theorists from across the spectrum of cultural studies have had different opinions as to what constitutes "culture" and what role and function cultural texts serve. And let's be real: when you're d...
State of the Theory
So are cultural studies theorists still theorizing about how to study culture today? The Birmingham Centre, once a thriving paradise for cutting-edge study, was shut down in 2002 and absorbed into...
Talking the Talk
What is literature? What is literature? What isn't literature is more like it. As far as cultural studies goes, literature doesn't just mean classic texts or works from particular time period—any...