Find quotes from this novel, with commentary from Shmoop. Pick a theme below to begin.
Suffering Quotes
Not a cry or a groan escaped from Sister Mary Joseph Praise while in the throes of her cataclysmic labor. (P.7)
Strength and Skill Quotes
I grew up and I found my purpose and it was to become a physician. (P.14)
Mortality Quotes
"Marion, remember the Eleventh Commandment," he said. "Thou shall not operate on the day of a patient's death." (P.25)
Memory and the Past Quotes
I remember his words on full-moon nights in Addis Ababa when knives are flashing and rocks and bullets are flying, and when I feel as if I am standing in an abattoir and not in Operating Theater 3,...
Identity Quotes
At such moments I remember to thank my twin brother, Shiva—Dr. Shiva Praise Stone—to seek him out, to find his reflection in the glass panel that separates the two operating theaters, and to no...
Compassion and Forgiveness Quotes
She rinsed out the bucket and put it back within his reach. She mopped up the mess on the floor with a towel, then she rinsed the towel out and hung it up to dry. She brought water to his side. She...
Abandonment Quotes
"Dr. Stone. Your patient," she said to the man who everyone believed to be my father, putting in his hands not only the life of a woman that he chose to love, but our two lives—mine and my brothe...
Sex Quotes
The oldest profession in the world raised no eyebrows, even with Hema. She'd learned it was futile to object—it would have been like taking exception to oxygen. But the consequences of such toler...