Daisy Miller Innocence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #7

Mrs. Costello inspected the young couple again with her optical instrument. "He is very handsome. One easily sees how it is. She thinks him the most elegant man in the world, the finest gentleman. She has never seen anything like him; he is better, even, than the courier."

We've all been young and crushing on a hottie who's more surface than substance. Even Costello's kind of throwing Daisy that bone here.

Quote #8

He asked himself whether Daisy's defiance came from the consciousness of innocence, or from her being, essentially, a young person of the reckless class. It must be admitted that holding one's self to a belief in Daisy's "innocence" came to seem to Winterbourne more and more a matter of fine-spun gallantry. (2.207)

Gallantry makes you think of knights, right? And knights make you think of what? Maybe fiction? Or gender roles? Men like Winterbourne want to believe that women need to be rescued. Daisy knows it—and what's worse, he knows she knows it. All the world's a stage, friends, and we're merely the players.

Quote #9

What a clever little reprobate [Daisy] was, and how smartly she played at injured innocence! (2.242)

Winterbourne's clearly onto her, so why does he still buy into it?