Daisy Miller Tradition and Customs Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Part.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Winterbourne told her about the place. But he saw that she cared very little for feudal antiquities and that the dusky traditions of Chillon made but a slight impression upon her." (1.250)

Daisy wants to see the pretty castle, but puhleeze don't bore her with the details. This should've been Winterbourne's heads-up that this girl doesn't give a rat's badunkadunk about tradition.

Quote #5

"If, after what happens—at Vevey and everywhere—you desire to keep up the acquaintance, you are very welcome. Of course a man may know everyone. Men are welcome to the privilege!" (2.3)

So men can be as inappropriate as they like when it comes to illicit love affairs, romantic liaisons, and public intrigues. Women? Not so much. Now that's one custom we'd be glad to get rid of.

Quote #6

"It may be enchanting, dear child, but it is not the custom here," urged Mrs. Walker, leaning forward in her victoria, with her hands devoutly clasped.

"Well, it ought to be, then!" said Daisy. "If I didn't walk I should expire." (2.102-3)

Daisy's custom is to walk, Mrs. Walker's is to drive. Houston: we have a clash of customs here! Mrs. Walker is scandalized by Daisy's walking because she sees the young lady as an advertisement for herself, strutting her stuff in the public gaze in a manner that is totally gasp-worthy to a traditionalist like Walker.