Dancing on the Edge Chapter 8 Summary

  • Gigi joins an organization called The Other Realms, which is a kind of club for people involved with the occult. They talk about seeing into the future and speaking to the dead and stuff like that.
  • Miracle tells us it's the first time Gigi has ever had any friends, mostly because Gigi has always wanted to be mysterious to her clients—they have to think there's something different about her or they won't believe in her powers.
  • Granddaddy isn't exactly thrilled about the group because he says it technically violates their agreement that she won't bring her occult stuff into his house. Whenever they have a fight about it, Miracle and Gigi usually end up in the car driving back to Alabama.
  • It doesn't last, though, and Gigi always comes up with a reason for them to turn around. On one of these occasions, she tells Miracle that the house Granddaddy lives in actually belongs to Dane.
  • Miracle asks Aunt Casey about this when she comes for a visit, and Aunt Casey says that Gigi won't leave because she thinks that when Dane comes home, he'll come to Granddaddy's house.