Tom Spaulding Timeline and Summary


Tom Spaulding Timeline and Summary

  • Tom lives in the house next door to Grandfather and Grandma Spaulding's boarding house. He's still asleep in his own house the morning Doug wakes up in his grandparents' cupola bedroom.
  • He goes berry picking with Doug and his father the day Doug realizes he's alive. Tom jumping on Doug and starting a play-fight with him is what ultimately prompts Doug's realization about being alive. 
  • Tom goes throughout his summer doing what kids do on summer vacation: playing. He visits neighbors with his friends Alice and Jane, or with Doug, John Huff, and Charlie Woodman. 
  • Tom becomes Doug's confidante when Doug starts his notebook, commenting on the epiphanies Doug records.He gets really scared for Doug twice: the night he thinks Doug has disappeared in the ravine, and the time Doug is unconscious from a bad fever. 
  • Doug surviving both times is a great relief for Tom, since, as we learn the night Doug disappears, Tom's the one who found their baby sister dead. 
  • He ends the book excited for the start of school and commiserating with Doug about how awesome next summer's going to be.