Dandelion Wine Resources


Discovery Insider: Ray Bradbury: The Future He Didn't Want to Happen

In the mood for some deep musings from the day of Bradbury's death? This is the spot for you then.

Ray Bradbury

This is Bradbury's official website, with tons of info about his life and work.

Movie or TV Productions

Dandelion Wine Gets the Movie Treatment

It might read like little vignettes, but that doesn't mean Bradbury's "most personal novel" can't light up the big screen.

Vino Iz Oduvanchikov—or Dandelion Wine, the Russian Version

Director Igor Apasyan made a Ukrainian/Russian co-production of Dandelion Wine back in 1997.

Articles and Interviews

At Home with Ray Bradbury

A cool little article on Bradbury's website about the home where he lived and wrote.

"Ray Bradbury: 10 of his most prescient predictions"

A slideshow from The Washington Post about the gadgets and trends Bradbury's work foresaw. Dude was pretty on the money about some things.


How to Make Dandelion Wine

Phil Tonks of Grandview Winery demonstrates the fact that dandelion wine actually is a real thing.

A Conversation with Ray Bradbury

The National Endowment for the Arts interviews Ray Bradbury about his life, his work, and how he fell in love with books. He's kind of adorable, and we love his big yellow tie and big fluffy cat.