Dear Mr. Henshaw Desires Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"That's his way of trying to say he really is sorry about Bandit. He's just not very good at expressing feelings." (43.4)

It's a good thing Mom can interpret what Dad's saying or Leigh wouldn't know it. Dad wants to communicate with his son; he's just not very good at it.

Quote #8

"Have you found another dog to take Bandit's place?" I think what I really meant was, Have you found another boy to take my place? (52.5)

A lot of times we think of desires as positive things—you want an Xbox One or tickets to a concert or quality time with a friend. But sometimes desires are to avoid negative things; you don't want to get hurt, or you don't want to feel left out. Leigh doesn't want to be forgotten or replaced.

Quote #9

I really would like to meet a Famous Author. (54.1)

After going through several story ideas and scrapping them all, Leigh's got 24 hours to come up with something. It's the desire to meet an author that gives him the motivation he needs to press through and finish.