Dear Mr. Henshaw Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I wondered if she was thinking about last Christmas when we tried to make up songs about lonely lost shoes. (24.9)

Last Christmas, they were together: Mom, Dad, Bandit, and Leigh. Last Christmas, they were a family. Leigh misses the laughter and singing, and longs for when his family wasn't apart. Holidays can be challenging times for families that aren't together.

Quote #8

I sure wish Dad lived with us again. (26.2)

After a family is pulled apart, for whatever reason, it takes time for everyone to deal with their feelings about it. People aren't affected in the same ways, but there's usually sadness and anger. Kids can feel helpless when there's a divorce. They didn't ask for it, but they experience the consequences of it. Unless their family was especially terrible or dangerous, most kids wish their parents were back together, at least at first.

Quote #9

I was thinking if I had a father at home, maybe he could show me how to make a burglar alarm for my lunchbag. (28.14)

It's those day-to-day things that make Leigh miss his dad so much. If Dad was around, maybe he could protect him against some of the bad stuff that's happening to him.