Death and the King's Horseman Courage Quotes

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Quote #4

Elesin-Oba why do your eyes roll like a bush-rat who sees his fate like his father's spirit, mirrored in the eye of a snake? All of these questions! (1.75)

Despite Elesin's claims that he isn't afraid to die, the Praise-Singer isn't so sure. Elesin's eyes are rolling (which seems to imply looking around in fear, we presume?), and he's asking a lot of questions about whether he's already crossed to the other side without having to go through the whole suicide bit. It seems that the Praise-Singer is worried that Elesin is hoping the suicide part is over, which would seem to indicate some fear on his part.

Quote #5

Not many men will brave the curse of a dispossessed husband. (1.111)

Talking to Iyaloja, one of the women remarks that it's kind of bold of Elesin to demand that he get to marry a girl who is betrothed to someone else. It seems to testify a kind of bravery to her… which is one way of looking at it.

Quote #6

Oh Amusa, what is there to be scared of in the costume? You saw it confiscated last month from those egungun men who were creating trouble in town. You helped arrest the cult leaders yourself—if the juju didn't harm you at the time how could it possibly harm you now? And merely by looking at it? (2.24)

Even though he's converted to Islam, Amusa gets pretty nervous when he sees the Pilkingses dressed up in the costumes of the egungun cult. Not knowing or caring about the traditions and spiritualism behind the costumes, Jane doesn't have the faintest clue why he's so afraid upon seeing them.