Death and the King's Horseman Religion Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Act.Line

Quote #4

What do you mean you don't know? It's only two years since your conversion. Don't tell me all that holy water nonsense also wiped out your tribal memory. (2.109)

Simon is frustrated that Joseph doesn't know what the drumming in the distance is. He manages to offend Joseph big time with his blasphemy here.

Quote #5

Madam, this is what I'm trying to say: I am not sure. It sounds like the death of a great chief and then, it sounds like the wedding of a great chief. It really mix me up. (2.114)

Once Simon is done blustering, Joseph explains that the drumming is consistent with both a wedding and a death, which is why he said he didn't know.

Quote #6

Er… forget what I said just now. The holy water is not nonsense. I was talking nonsense. (2.138)

After Jane explains to him how offensive his blasphemy is to Joseph, Simon manages to apologize to him.