How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
[Hana is] absolutely gorgeous. (3.6)
It's telling that this is the first thing Lena reports about Hana. By the end of the book, we're still not quite sure why they're best buds, but at least we know she's gorgeous. Unlike Lena. And this matters because…?
Quote #2
I'm not ugly, but I'm not pretty, either. Everything is in-between. (3.6)
Lena follows up her assessment of Hana's show-stopping looks with a not-so-glowing review of her own. Lena seems to apply her average looks to her personality, which she also describes as average and unloveable. Why is Lena so down on herself? Do you think that Lena is an accurate assessor of her own potential?