How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)
Quote #1
I've never touched a boy, of course—physical contact between uncureds of opposite sex is forbidden. (2.29)
Sounds like this cure is less a cure for love and more a cure for lust. It's possible to love someone without touching them, right?
Quote #2
I've never been this close to a boy before. I feel like fainting and running all at the same time. But I can't move. (5.142)
We have to wonder if Lena would feel this way about Alex if he was still pretending to not know who she was. Maybe it's the fact that he's attracted to her that really gets her motor going.
Quote #3
Not just people. Boy. And girls. [...] Boys and girls talking. Boys and girls laughing. Boys and girls sharing sips from the same cup. All of a sudden, I think I might faint. (9.42)
This is a hormone-fueled party, and all the sexual tension in the air is making Lena dizzy. We wonder if she would have the same feelings if she were "cured" or if, as a cured, she would just avoid the part to begin with.