Delirium Themes
Lena and Alex sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. In any world, this rhyme is annoying enough to make you want to poke out your own eardrums. In the world of Delirium, however, it's more than irritat...
Fear is an emotion we've all experienced, and one we all want to get under control. Whether you spend your free time watching reality TV or listening to self-help videos from the 80s, you know t...
Lies and Deceit
If we told you the world was flat, you wouldn't believe us. Why not? It's not like you've circumnavigated the globe and witnessed the roundness of our planet for yourself. No, you learned this fact...
The DSM-V is the American Psychiatric Association's "bible," featuring a plethora of mental illnesses. Odds are you have at least one. We're not sure if the DSM-V exists in Delirium, but if it did,...
There's a simple four-letter word for the impossibly complex combination of psychology and physiology that gets hearts racing, palms sweating, faces blushing, and more when two people are attracted...
Utopian societies are supposed to be perfect. No crime. No difficult choices. Paradise, right? That's never how it works out. Utopian societies are always a dystopia to someone, and the someones in...
If there's one good thing about some dystopian societies—and that's a big if—it's that the heavy lifting is done for you. Lena doesn't have to apply to colleges, go to job interviews, or even g...
Some people go beyond looks when formulating a first impression. They try to understand what someone does and what they stand for. You know, their character. Lena is not one of those people. Not on...
Betrayal comes in a variety of flavors, from mild—e.g., calling shotgun, and still being forced to sit in the back—to extra spicy—e.g., leaking government secrets and putting people in danger...