Body Language

Body Language

Make Your Body Talk

It goes without saying that dancing is all about expressing yourself without words. As dancers, Baby and Johnny speak volumes to one another without opening their mouths. If you were to look at the script for Dirty Dancing, you might notice an omission which is very unusual for a romance: neither Johnny nor Baby says "I love you" to each other.

But that's not exactly true.

Yes, no one says "I love you," but Baby and Johnny express their love to one another through their body language. The lift is one example. The most striking instance, though, occurs in what we labeled Scene 15 in our "Detailed Summary" section.

This scene is when Baby overhears Penny tell Johnny not to get mixed up with her. Baby's upset, and understandably so. Johnny leaves the cabin and appears to shrug off Baby, telling her he has a lesson to give. Then he walks away. But when Baby calls out his name, he turns around. Saying nothing, Baby's face shows him that she's upset. He smiles at her, and her whole expression changes. She realizes she can love and trust Johnny in this moment, and he realizes the same thing about her.

If you could see our face right now, you'd know we're swooning.