Disability Studies Basics
Disability Studies Basics
The Who, What, Where, When, and Why of Disability Studies
Birth of a TheoryDisability studies, as an academic discipline, really isn't that old, probably not much older than many of you who are reading this. In fact, disability studies as a field of its o...
Big Players
Rosemarie Garland-ThomsonBringing Freakery Back!Well, if you're going to talk disability studies, you can't go wrong by starting with its rock star, Rosemarie Garland-Thomson.You see, good old RGT...
Key Debates
Lennard Davis vs. The Enlightenment SubjectYup, when we start thinkin' about debates in the field, we can't go wrong with looking first to the Godfather of disability studies, the hardest-working m...
State of the Theory
Disability Studies and Literary StudiesA Marriage of More than ConvenienceFortunately, disability studies is alive and well, not only in the academy (i.e., among fancypants theorists and scholars a...
Talking the Talk
What is Literature?Literature is the point at which art and society collide when it comes to our understanding of the body and the way it is represented. Our culture shapes the way that writers dea...