Doll Bones Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

They were leaving home by themselves—going on a real adventure, the kind that changed you. He felt a thrill run through him. (6.30)

Change is scary, but it's also electrifying. For a brief moment at the start of his quest, Zach allows himself to feel excited about the possibilities.

Quote #5

Her angular face and thin eyebrows were utterly familiar, but he realized for the first time that she looked like one of those older, mysterious girls he wondered at sometimes in the mall, and that made her strange to him. (10.43)

Zach isn't the only one who's been changing: It's like Alice has been turning into another person right under his nose, too.

Quote #6

He'd taken it for granted that he'd be able to go back to being friends later, if he wanted, and everything would be the way he'd left it. (12.39)

Zach worries he has done irreparable damage to his friendships with Alice and Poppy. We remain optimistic about the trio's future, though—it may not be the same, but we're still thinking it will be good.