Doll Bones Change Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He didn't want to forget, and he wanted everyone to stop talking like it was inevitable, like it would happen whether he wanted it to or not. (14.41)

The thing about growing up is that it is inevitable. But by the end of the book, Zach realizes that it doesn't have to mean he forgets who he is.

Quote #8

He sat there for a long moment, breathing hard. Something had shifted, something seismic, and he needed to be still long enough to have it settle inside of him. (14.108)

Zach feels majorly changed when he hangs up from his phone conversation with his dad. Why do you think this is?

Quote #9

"We had this adventure together, but now we're going to go back. And I'll be the same, but you guys will keep changing." (16.114)

Poppy's scared of change, but as Zach points out, "Quests are supposed to change us" (16.115). So don't worry too much, Poppy.