Doll Bones Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Getting on the bus in the middle of the night to a place they'd never been was daunting. It also seemed like a little bit of an adventure. (5.82)

Heads up, Zach: It's not going to be a "little bit of an adventure." Nope, this one's a biggie.

Quote #5

"We're not buying anything," he said. "We're pirates, remember." (10.81)

For years, Zach has played with William the Blade, his pirate figurine. Today, however, he's a pirate in real life, ready for the next adventure.

Quote #6

For better or for worse, they were on Beaver River, the current swinging them toward the Ohio. The wind overhead gusted with the promise of good sailing. (11.12)

Our young explorers enjoy a nice moment at "sea." Enjoy it while it lasts, sailors—you're about to get dunked in the river.