Doll Bones Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

It was fun to act like William with Alice, and it was fun to sneak into a building in the middle of the day, when even scary things weren't that frightening. (13.79)

Zach, Alice, and Poppy are pretty tentative explorers when they leave their homes in the middle of the night. By the end of their trip, though, they're feeling much braver—perhaps to a fault.

Quote #8

Plus there was so much to see. They explored the conference room, the bathrooms, and two more storage rooms on the basement level. (13.93)

The fun continues as the gang explores the library. As they look around, they easily slip into play mode—it comes naturally to these three when they're together.

Quote #9

"You're really going to go up there?" Zach asked. "Brace the table and I will," Alice said. (15.37)

Alice, who hit puberty a few years before her two friends, seems pretty comfortable exploring the world. She is the one who breaks them into the library—and now she's the one who will break them out.