Doll Bones Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

He thought about how he'd met them both, when they were all little kids. […] The first time the three of them had hung out, they'd dangled upside down from the jungle gym […]. (8.13)

Zach, Alice, and Poppy go way back. Well, they're only twelve now, but you get the idea. As far back as twelve year olds can go.

Quote #5

"You wouldn't do that," Alice said, her voice hushed. "You're my best friend. That's a secret." (10.67)

Spoiler alert: Poppy would totally do that. And later in the book, she spills the beans, announcing that Alice has a crush on Zach. Oops.

Quote #6

He knew that he'd been the bad friend, the liar, the one that had started everybody fighting. (12.38)

Zach shoulders a lot of guilt for his misadventure with his friends. If he had only been honest with them in the first place…