Doll Bones Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

He glanced back at Poppy. She looked crushed, like she was on the outside of a glass looking in at something she wanted desperately. (13.79)

Poppy is feeling left out again. You know what they say: Two's company, but three's a crowd.

Quote #8

They slid across the floor in their stocking feet, hiding behind stacks and riding on the book carts, shrieking as they went. (13.98)

In the library, the gang is able to cut loose and act like their old selves for a bit. It's nice while it lasts.

Quote #9

"You guys have to make up. You're friends. You're supposed to be friends. You can't just not talk, or talk in the weird not-talking way you've both been." (13.108)

Sometimes it seems like Zach worries more about the rift between Alice and Poppy than his own friendships with them. He's just considerate like that.