Doll Bones Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

"Just listen," Alice said. "Try not to be the huge jerk you've turned into." (5.40)

Zach's father was mean to him, and now Zach is being mean to his friends. It's a vicious cycle, yo. Here's hoping somebody dares to break it…

Quote #5

"Okay," Zach told the man, leaning forward, trying to get between him and Poppy. His father would say that as a boy, it was his responsibility to protect the girls. (6.47)

Even when his father isn't around, Zach is hyperconscious of what he would think about Zach's behavior.

Quote #6

As soon as his father had picked up, Zach had expected a lot of shouting and the phone getting slammed in its cradle. But his father didn't sound angry. Zach wasn't sure why, but more than anything else, his dad sounded scared. (14.90)

Zach has been missing for two days, but it never occurs to him that his father might be worried. But guess what? His dad totally is.