Doll Bones Men and Masculinity Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"It was a mean thing to do. I grew up mean, and I don't want you to have to grow up mean, too." (14.102)

Zach's dad has been a meanie, but he wants to change. He's clearly not proud of the way he's acted, which is a good motivator to do better in the future.

Quote #8

"When I saw you with those figures, I pictured you getting hassled at school. I thought you needed to be tougher." (14.104)

Why do you think Zach's dad associates playing with being weak? Like, what's up with that?

Quote #9

Looking around, though, it wasn't that different from a boys' bathroom. The tile was pink, and there were no urinals on the wall, just a row of three stalls and a single sink—but otherwise, it was identical. (15.71)

We might think of this little moment as a declaration that the genders really aren't all that different from each other. Boys and girls might be dressed up differently, but underneath it all, they're just human.