Doll Bones Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Maybe she could possess him anytime she wanted, just like the dead people who possessed you when you passed by graveyards. (12.16)

Sounds like Zach's imagination might be running away from him a bit. In his defense, graveyards really give him the creeps.

Quote #5

"There can't be a ghost, a real ghost. Because if there is, then some random dead girl wants to haunt Poppy, but my own dead parents can't be bothered to come back and haunt me." (12.59)

Unbeknownst to her friends, Alice struggles with the idea of ghosts—not because she doesn't believe in them, but because her parents are dead. Is it fair to say that if ghosts are real, then Alice's parents not haunting her is kind of like them dying all over again?

Quote #6

And there was a lady who got stood up on her wedding day and was found, weeks later, dead in her wedding gown. (13.122)

Here's a random description of a dead woman who Zach reads about. You know, for atmosphere.