Doll Bones Mortality Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"I hate that you're going to leave me behind. I hate that everyone calls it growing up, but it seems like dying. It feels like each of you is being possessed and I'm next." (14.43)

Poppy's mourning the death of her friends' childhoods, and she's scared about the fact that she's next.

Quote #8

It was hypothesized that he had murdered his daughter and used the method of calcifying cattle bone to dispose of her body. (15.62)

This is maybe the most gruesome image in a book filled with gruesome images. But as it turns out, Mr. Kerchner did not murder his daughter; she died when she fell out of a window. Yay?

Quote #9

Now when he looked at her, he couldn't help but believe she was really made from the bones of a dead girl. It made touching her shuddersome. (16.34)

Whether or not the Queen is made from the bones of a dead girl, she has been stuffed with a burlap sack that contains the bones of something. It's pretty "shuddersome" either way.