The Island of Dr. Moreau Resources


Free Book! Free Book!

The Island of Dr. Moreau is public domain, meaning the intellectual property rights have expired. So rejoice! Project Gutenberg provides you with copies of the text online—free of charge and in a variety of formats.

Socially Yours

This website of the H.G. Wells Society contains information on his currently-in-print books, copyrights, some essays, and current Wells news. Sure, it doesn't sound as interesting as all that, but this is Wells we're talking about, so it might surprise you.

Wells, Prophet of the Future

The TV show Prophets of Science Fiction chronicles science fiction authors whose works have shaped actual scientific breakthroughs and research. The authors include Robert A. Heinlein, Jules Verne, Isaac Asimov, and, wouldn't you know it, H.G. Wells.

Movie or TV Productions

L'île d'épouvante

That's the name of the first movie adaptation of The Island of Dr. Moreau. It's a French silent film made in 1911 and directed by Joë Hamman. When it came stateside, it was renamed The Island of Terror. And that's seriously all the information we can find on this historic piece of cinema.

Golden Age Horror

This 1932 adaptation had Kathleen Burke playing an original character called Panther Woman (insert meow joke here if you wish). It also featured the greatest Dracula actor ever, Bela Lugosi, as the Sayer of the Law.

Properly Named

It took until 1977 for a film adaptation of The Island of Dr. Moreau to get its proper name. Unfortunately, the film doesn't get much love beyond that, as it currently fails with a 5.7/10 on IMDB.

In the Dark, Far Off Future of…2010?

The most recent film adaptation of Wells's novel. It gets our love for trying really, really hard to do something original—and including Marlon Brando and Val Kilmer—but…yeah not so much.

Articles and Interviews

Wells on Christianity

In this book, Wells discusses his views on God and religion. This can be super helpful when reading The Island of Dr. Moreau because Wells' views on the subject matter are never a clear cut yes or no. We've included a link to the Preface—just in case you don't have the time to tackle an entire other book.

Talking Points

The BBC was right kind enough to archive their H.G. Wells interviews.


Getting to Know You, Getting to Know All About You

A&E does what it does best, crafting interesting biographies of interesting people.

Rocking the 70s Beard

Burt Lancaster plays Dr. Moreau in this trailer for the 1977 film. You just got to love the scene with the Beast Folk fighting a tiger.


The Auditory Revolution

Project Gutenberg also has a selection of audio books free of charge—for days when the book just feels too heavy.

Wells Meet Wells

Orson Wells meets H.G. Wells for a rare interview. Sure, it may not specifically be about Dr. Moreau, but it is just too cool to not include.



You know you wanted it, and Listal anted up. A bunch of pictures showing off the impressive mustaches of H.G. Wells

Invasion of Privacy

The Wells Society's collection of pictures dedicated to where H.G. Wells lived, his signatures, and some miscellaneous goods. Weird that someone would want this stuff but also kind of fun.

Number 1

The 1st edition of The Island of Dr. Moreau in all its hardcover glory.

Number Not-So-1

A more recent cover for The Island of Dr. Moreau. It may not be worth as much as the 1st edition, but it's still pretty snazzy.


Thank you Comic Vine for this awesome cover of The Island of Dr. Moreau comic book. It's based on the 1977 movie and not the novel, but it's incredible nonetheless.