Dragonwings Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

Some demon boys were out in the street. They stooped as if to pick up things to throw, and Father whispered to me to sit up straight and not show I was afraid. The demon boys called out some things, but we ignored them until we had passed them by. A rock whizzed by my ear and hit Red Rabbit in the side. He snorted, but plodded on as steadily as before. (4.33)

Windrider instills a sense of bravado, or false courage, in Moon Shadow that paves the way to actual courage.

Quote #5

I'd rather lose both [Moon Shadow and Windrider] than see you bring your poor mother over here. What kind of place is this for her when we're afraid to set foot outside our own door? (4.92)

Uncle Bright Star's comment shows that fear for Mother's well being is what keeps him from signing off on her immigration.

Quote #6

Miss Whitlaw leaned over and spoke gently. "How would you feel if you were plunked right down in China in a small village with almost no hope of going back? Wouldn't you be scared?"

"Well, yes,"
the demon girl admitted reluctantly. Then she looked at me. "But I'd listen to some Chinaman who told me there wasn't anything in the village pump or anything near it that could hurt me." (6.62-63)

Early on we see Miss Whitlaw flex her empathy and Robin's wish to alleviate fear in Moon Shadow.