Dragonwings Fear Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

She went on breaking pea pods into the pot. "But now you take that Jack," she said. "You know him. He's the boy with the brown hair and the freckles. Well, he's the biggest boy in our school, and yet I happen to know personally from Maisie, his sister, that he'd rather die than let anyone know he was afraid of being hit in the nose, 'cause he's scared of the sight of blood – especially his." (8.84)

Robin dispels Moon Shadow's fear of Jack by showing that most people, including Jack, are afraid of something.

Quote #8

I don't think the demons were necessarily bad for not wanting to help others. They might have been scared, or so shocked they could not really know how selfish they were being. (9.95)

Moon Shadow acknowledges how powerful a force fear is, and how it can momentarily turn a person into someone they usually are not.