Driving Miss Daisy Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Driving Miss Daisy.

Quote #4

POLICEMAN: Boy, what do you think you're doing with this car? […] What's this name? Wertheran? […] Never heard of that one before. What kind of name is that?

The Alabama police officer only stops Hoke because he is black. The fact that he can harass Miss Daisy for being Jewish is a bonus for this jerk.

Quote #5

POLICEMAN: An old n***** and an old Jew woman taking off down the road together. That is one sorry sight.

This is the most shocking line in the movie because it's so blatantly racist and intolerant. But it makes you realize that lots of people have these attitudes; they're just more subtle about it.

Quote #6

HOKE: I got to be excused. I got to go make water.

DAISY: You should have thought of that at the service station.

HOKE: A colored can't use the toilet at none of these service stations, Miss Daisy. You know that.

Segregation was alive and well in Alabama at the time. It's pretty shocking that an educated woman like Daisy "forgets" that Hoke couldn't use the public facilities at the gas station.