Driving Miss Daisy Prejudice Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Driving Miss Daisy.

Quote #10

DAISY: Boolie says you wanted to go with me to this dinner. Did you tell him that?

HOKE: No, I didn't.

DAISY: I didn't think so. What'd be the point? You can hear him whenever you want. I think it's wonderful the way things are changing.

HOKE: Now what you think I am, Miss Daisy?

DAISY: What do you mean?

HOKE: The invitation to this dinner came in the mail a month ago. Now, if did be you wanted me to go with you how come you wait till we in the car on the way before you asked me?

DAISY: What? All I said was Boolie said you wanted to go.

HOKE: Next time you want me to go somewhere, you ask me reguIar.

Like we said, Daisy can talk the talk. Here, Hoke forces Daisy to confront her discomfort in taking him to the dinner. It's one thing to hear Dr. King speak; it's another to invite your black friend to the dinner. That's out of her comfort zone, and Dr. King's speech makes her even more uncomfortable.