Electricity and Magnetism Resources

Games and Tools

Electric Field Hockey

More like normal hockey than field hockey, but with electric charge instead of missing teeth.

Charges and Fields

Electric fields may be invisible—but not for long. Visualize charge, fields, and potentials to your heart's content.

Circuit Construction Kit

If Lego had gone into consumer electronics, they might have made something like this.


Tesla vs. Faraday

Tesla coils generate large sparks of electricity; Faraday cages protect people from large sparks of electricity—remember what the electric field is inside a hollow conductor. The only appropriate music? AC/DC, of course. (Bonus points: Adam Savage does the robot.)

And One More Thing About Tesla

They Might be Giants on the man who may have been the coolest engineer to ever live.

Wires Are The Worst

What if all power transmission was wireless? The space underneath your desk would probably be a lot neater.

Zip 'n Snort

While the bit on magnetism and electricity is spot on, the coyote's grasp of basic mechanics concepts could use some work.


Aurora Borealis

Caused by the interaction of charged particles with Earth's atmosphere, auroras are stunning displays of the beauty of nature and perennial additions to desktop wallpaper folders around the world.

Lightning Strikes

One of the more impressive natural displays of electricity at work, lightning results from excess charge build up in clouds. Tens of thousands of amps are releases by each bolt (if only someone could figure out how to use it).

Electricity and You

Everything you could ever want to know about American electricity generation, courtesy of the U.S. Energy Information Administration.