Meet the Cast
Rachel is the protagonist of "Eleven," and it's her eleventh birthday. You know what that means: Get ready for a story filled with presents and festivities and cake. Wait…not quite. Unfortunately...
Mrs. Price
Mrs. Price is Rachel's teacher. We don't get much description of her, but if we had to make one up, we'd probably guess she has long hair in a tight bun, a long pleated skirt, and a broad crocodile...
Sylvia Saldívar and Phyllis Lopez
Sylvia and Phyllis are two of Rachel's classmates, and Rachel doesn't have many nice things to say about them. She thinks Syliva is "stupid" and that the girl doesn't like her "maybe because [she's...
Rachel's Family
We can't say too much about Rachel's parents, and that's mostly because we never meet them in the story. Rachel tells us that her mama will be making her a cake for her birthday, and her father wil...