
Love that name. And love this website. Check it out for the author's biography, a list of her published works, and even some advice to student writers (yes, we're talking to you).

Scholastic's interactive animation of Esperanza Rising is so addictive; we'd be a little embarrassed to admit how much time we've spent playing with it. So we won't. Plus, there are links to other fun Esperanza-inspired activities, like a crossword puzzle and adorable crafts.
Historical Documents

You guessed it—Pam Muñoz Ryan for Esperanza Rising. The Pura Belpré Award was established in 1996 to honor Latino and Latina writers and illustrators of children's books whose work celebrates the Latino cultural experience. This is what we call a deserved win.

This USA Today article sheds light on a chapter of American history that isn't often studied in schools—the forced deportation of thousands of Mexican Americans in the 1930s.

The strikes in which Marta participates in the novel are totally based in history. This report, written in 1938, tells the history of the California Cotton Pickers Strike of 1933, one of the largest agricultural strikes ever. And it took place in the San Joaquin Valley, where Esperanza Rising is set. Fancy that.

In this interview, Pam Muñoz Ryan discusses her family history, her upbringing, and the plot of Esperanza Rising. Can't ask for much more than that.

Here, Pam Muñoz Ryan discusses why and how she became a writer. Pretty inspiring stuff, if you ask us.

Sit back, relax, and listen as Pam Muñoz Ryan reads from the chapter "Los Higos (Figs)."

Boogie down, it's birthday time. Well, even if it's not, pretend like it is with this traditional Mexican birthday song.

We have a thing for authors, but we think she's particularly good lookin'.

The strike that Marta helps to organize in Esperanza Rising represents a real movement in California history. In the 1930s, many Mexican American agricultural workers went on strike to demand better wages and working conditions.

Take a look at the cover of Esperanza Rising. What do you think? Can we judge this book by its cover?